What Are the Different Types of Hair Density?

What Are the Different Types of Hair Density?

12 June, 2024

Before delving into different types of hair density, it’s important to note that our default densities for our men's

 stock wigs and toupees are medium and medium-light.

Let’s explore the various density options that can be considered while buying hair replacement units for

 overcoming thinning and baldness:


 Extra light 60%: This density for wigs is super thin. It is mainly suited for older individuals who prefer a delicate



Light 80%: Known for offering a very light appearance, the light 80% density might reveal your scalp when


 It will help in achieving a minimalist aesthetic.


Medium-light 100%: The most common choice for men, it delivers a natural look with moderate hair volume,

 striking a balance between density and authenticity. 


Medium 120%: A regular density often favored by young men who are suffering from hair loss or thinning.


 120% hair density in wigs and toupees helps in maintaining a youthful appearance without being overly thick.


Medium-heavy 140%: Slightly denser, medium-heavy 140% is suitable for men in their 20s and early 30s. Hair

 replacement units with this type of density deliver a fuller look while retaining a natural appeal.


Heavy 160%: This density offers a dramatic volume that isn’t generally intended for everyday wear.


As you saw above, each density option caters to distinct preferences and styling needs, providing men with a

 wide  range of choices for achieving the desired hair look and feel. Women usually go with heavier densities


 their hair loss is not as diverse as men's.

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