Two Main Knots Type

Two Main Knots Type

24 May, 2024

Single reverse split knot

The technician will loop the strand of hair around a ventilating needle and pull it under a strand of the lace material or through a hole in a skin base before they reverse back on themselves with the needle to make a knot. The fact that a single split knot is just reversed once means the knot is very small. The knot, in effect, creates two strands of hair (a long one and a short one) that point in different directions. To get around this potential problem, after making a knot, the technician needs to press down on the knot with their finger and then rub it. This will ensure the two strands of hair stay together.Sometimes you find that single split knots lead to a messy hair direction or that the hairs split and create a parting. This happens if the knotting worker did not do a proper press and rub after finishing the knots.

In terms of the effect single split knots have on the final look of a hair system, you will find that hair with single split knots has a lot of natural lift

Double reverse split knot

To make double reverse split knots, we repeat the same technique as before but this time, the hair is reversed twice with the ventilating needle. Consequently, you are left with bigger but stronger knots. This time, the two strands of hair from the knots point in a similar direction, unlike single split knots. That’s because the hair was reversed twice, the first time makes the two strands point in a completely different direction, but the second time makes the two strands closer than the first time.

The hair of double split knots is much more obedient than that of single split knots in the sense that it is very responsive to your styling demands. Also because of this point, double split knots don’t need that much press and rub like single split knots.

Double split knots also are very often to be used. For the places where the clients ask for durable and strong, we will do double split knots. For example, it will be used on the rest area of the lace unit except the front hairline, which also can often be used on the mono bases which clients expect strong and durable.

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