How Long A Hair System Last ?

How Long A Hair System Last ?

05 June, 2024

Often, clients who are new to hair systems ask about the lifespan of their hair systems. This is a key question to before making a purchasing decision. It’s critical not only to assessing its overall value, but also to properly planning for potential backups and budget.


In this article, we will introduce the lifespan of various hair systems, explore the factors that influence their durability.


Hair systems can last from a month to a year mainly based on different base materials. You can refer to the lifespan chart below for the lifespan of different bases.

One of important thing is the base material. The hair systems can last from a month to a year depending on the base material. You can refer to the below details to understand the lifespan of different bases.


Skin hair systems have a base of clear poly skin. Their bases come in different thicknesses. The most commonly used thicknesses are 0.03mm (ultra-thin), 0.06mm, 0.08mm, and 0.1mm. The thicker it is, the longer it can be used. The ultra thin can last about only 4 weeks.  There are also V loop and Knotted skin hair system. The v-looped hair technique can create a knotless natural looking, but it’s easy to shed after a period. If you want more durable skin systems, you can choose the knot hair systems.

Lace hair systems are mainly divided into Swiss lace and French lace. Compared to French lace, Swiss lace is more breathable and looks more realistic. It is more fragile and usually lasts shorter.

Monofilament hair system is the most durable type among all hair systems. And it can can last 6–12 months or even longer with proper care.



Hair type also affects lifespan, and Chinese hair is very durable. Maintenance practices such as using high-quality adhesives, gentle removal, and proper cleaning play a vital role. By understanding these factors and adhering to a daily routine, wig wearers can maximize their longevity.

If you want to learn more about information about the hair systems, welcome to contact us by email :

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