Summer is on the way! Wearing a wig in the summer can be a challenge for many wig wearers. Different types of wigs can leave you feeling hot, sweaty, and weighed down. Today we are going to talk about how to pick a hair system for the hot summer days.

SUMMER HAIR SERIES:Best Type of Hair System for Summer!

08 October, 2023

Summer is on the way! Wearing a wig in the summer can be a challenge for many wig wearers. Different types of wigs can leave you feeling hot, sweaty, and weighed down. Today we are going to talk about how to pick a hair system for the hot summer days.

The first choice would be our FULL LACE hair system with no doubt. 

It is light and totally breathable and is perfect for a humid climate and for those who have a very active lifestyle.The transitioning  hairline creates the illusion that it is just your own hair. It is an all lace hair system you can use glue or tape for adhesion.

Most importantly, because of its good air permeability, it can help you evaporate sweat and let you cool down quickly, and you scalp can breathe normally.


Other styles that also work for summer are Q6 hair system:

Q6 has a French lace in front and PU in Sides and back. The lace area is the most light and totally breathable no matter you are swimming or in gym. The bleached knot in front area perfectly provide a natural hairline. A bit poly base makes the hair unit stays on the head more firmly and keep the base structure in shape.



Then there is our AUSTRALIA hair system:

AUSTRALIA has lace in the center and poly in perimeter. For the most part that covers on your head can breathe freely. The perimeter make sure you have a super natural hairline and also secures on the head very firmly. For this style, you only need to use tape or glue in the perimeter and leave the lace part as it is.IMG_8481IMG_8509


Next one is HOLLYWOOD hair system:

Like Australia, HOLLYWOOD has a big part of lace to make it possible for your scalp to breathe. You also only need to use tape or glue on the poly part and leave the lace part as it is. 1" French lace in the front with 1/2" filled with hair make undetectable hairline,lace in the front without hair should be trimmed off before you attach the hairpiece.

Hairpiece 4


Then there is our E17 EOTE hair system:


E17 EOTE has mono in the center, poly in perimeter and lace in the front hairline. Mono is a material that is also breathable but more intense and stronger than lace material. The poly on the back which allows for durability.


These are the styles that we recommend for a summer use. Also they are popular styles on our website.Contact us to help you find your perfect summer look!

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